
Email address:

Please contact us for the following presentations or sales. We do not answer any other inquiries as we do not have the “woman-power” to do so.

We present to Church organizations, secondary school students, organizations, small groups such as book clubs etc.


Presentations about the Grandmother Campaign

Presentations and viewing of the Grandmothers Tribunal DVD

The DVD is about 35 minutes. Please allow an hour for the viewing and presentation.


To purchase the Lucinda Pins
We will attempt to have pins available. Pins are $20.00. With the exchange for the United States, the price may vary. We will inform you.

Joining the GranAurora group

To join

  • please email us at and either Lenore Pressley or Sharon Willan (Co-chairs) will reply to your email or call if you leave a phone number in your email or
  • come to a meeting at Sobeys’ on Bayview St. in Aurora. We meet the second Monday of each month (September – May) at 12:30. Lunch is comprised of sandwiches ($6.00 per person).

Other information

If you wish to donate, please make cheques out to Gran Aurora. All donations of $20.00 or more are tax deductible.

All of our donations are sent directly to the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers Campaign. We require your name and address to send to the Stephen Lewis Foundation in order to send you a tax receipt. Tax receipts will be mailed to you.

Send cheques to:

52 Cynthia Cr
Oak Ridges ON
L4E 2P9


A portion of our craft sales and/or Tea ticket sales may be used for business expenses:

  • In order to present our concert, we must pay our talented performers, venues, and insurance.
  • Rental of the hall and insurance for the Tea.
  • The sales of Lucinda pins is shared with Designs by Lucinda.
  • This cost represents approximately 2% of our sales.

Please note: None of our members is paid a salary. Our members do not receive remuneration for contributions made to crafts or tea preparation.

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